The Meaning Behind “Not Your Average Mai” Podcast

In the midst of 2019’s increasing chaos, we came together to create an innovative space for Hmong/Southeast Asian communities, especially women and girls, where we can provide current information on everyday issues and hot topics while challenging harmful community norms and discourse.

While brainstorming titles, we kept coming back to names tied to our roles in our families and our community. So after hours of brainstorming and planning, Katie suggested “Not Your Average Mai” and we were immediately captivated by the message behind it!

“Mai” is a common Hmong diminutive for “daughter” or girl, and often times, is a name for Hmong daughters. We settled on this title when we realized that we are four Hmong American women who defied the odds and are more than what our society/community expects of us. But regardless of what we accomplish, or where we go, we will always be “Mai” to our mothers, grandmothers, and Hmong community members.

Our heritage is something that we are fiercely proud of, and a place from whence we often draw courage and inspiration. We hope to inspire and empower other Hmong/Southeast Asian women in the same way through our podcast: to be more than the expectations (whether high or low) imposed on us.


We strive to create a world where women, especially Hmong/Southeast Asian women, can live freely and be their true authentic selves without judgment or oppression.

We hope to move our community forward, one conversation at a time.

Our Values

  • Provide entertaining and forward-thinking views on everyday issues 

  • Challenge community norms and disrupt barriers against Hmong/Southeast Asian women excellence

  • Provide a safe and inclusive dialogue for Hmong/Southeast Asian women to own their voices and narratives through storytelling

  • Build sisterhood and encourage self-love and self-empowerment for Hmong/Southeast Asian women and beyond

All “Not Your Average Mai” logos and caricatures were created by Cindy Nguyen and MaiThao Nguyen. We thank them for their talent and support!